Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wow! How did you do that? PART 2



            I was over it! I was over being constantly stressed out over the unorginization. I was over trying to find the miracle fix all. I was over not having any sort of time management. I started praying for all of the above, I asked others to pray for me as well. While participating in a ladies Bible study at church, one of  the ladies told us about a book she was reading called simply, 7. I still have yet to read the book, but she told us the concept which I found fascinating. The author, tired of being overwhelmed with “stuff,” decided to try an experiment. Basically she decided to start limiting all the choices in her life to 7 things. 7 outfits only, to choose from, 7 meals or food to fix etc… I was not ready to go that far yet, but I liked the concept of limiting what you had, to save time on choices and to only have the things you really liked, wanted and needed. At any rate, it got the wheels spinning.
            Then, because I truly believe God has orchestrated it all, I was on Facebook  and saw a friend post to a group called MINIMIZE. This peaked my curiosity. So I went to the page and checked it out. It was a brilliant concept and I was hooked right away! I asked to join and jumped right in! Watching everyone else post pictures and lists of the things they were getting rid of were just the motivation I needed!!! Then the support they would give each other when someone  would post really helped motivate me to keep going. Sharing in a journey that others were also on, no judging, just simple encouragement! In fact, the more stuff you had, the more pumped they got! Haha!  


            How it works, is the first day of the month, you get rid of ONE thing. Then on the second day, TWO things and so on. Now I started on like day 7, so I did not have only seven things to get rid of, I had to come up with 1+2+3+4+5+6 also, so a total of 28 things in order to catch up! Now that was my choice, there was no one cracking the whip. In fact some days, some people would say, well I didn’t meet the goal but I did get rid of SOMETHING. And that was ok!! Some times people would get rid of emails or things that brought mental clutter. It’s still removing the excess in your life. It’s still managing your time. Some nights I would go to bed and get on my ipad, I would  not have gotten rid of anything, thinking, oh I will just do extra tomorrow. Then I would see 4-5 posts, cleaning out a junk drawer, or a medicine cabinet…. And I would think, OH! I could easily and quickly do that and it would be done. Plus I was motivated, so here it was, 11pm, I am jumping out of bed, pulling stuff out, taking pictures and posting! Haha! My family was starting to really think I was nuts. However, I never hounded them to do it, to participate or shame them into it. I just let them watch me and my excitement. All of a sudden my daughter started going through HER stuff, she wasn’t playing the game but just wanted to minimize some of her stuff. My husband started by saying, when are you going to go through MY stuff? I would say when I am done with the rest of the house. You know that man caught the fever and started going through his own stuff! I was leading by example and never even intended too! I had not planned it, it just happened! My excitement was contagious. For awhile Minimize was an open group. Everyone could see our posts. I also started motivating my other friends on Facebook without even trying. Several started joining the group and participating! Some just started doing a little here and there and telling me I had inspired them! WHAT? You mean to tell me, just by throwing away a bunch of junk, I inspired people? Shoot, that’s just plain craziness! Haha!

The kitchen junk drawer.... no shame in my game, it's all gone now!


The mouse chewed ketchup packets...

            I started small. I started with a bathroom drawer. That led to the entire bathroom! Cabinets and all the drawers. I caught the bug, late at night, as I get most of my steam at night. I knew I had totally rearranged everything and my husband was not going to be happy in the morning, when he tried to get ready for work and could not find a thing….so I drew a map and hung it on the wall. Haha! I just recently took it down. We still laugh about that one. I started by just doing a drawer a day. I had one friend say, just how many junk drawers do you have!? My answer…too many but a lot less now! Haha! I had one junk drawer in the kitchen that a mouse had found very delightful. You know those suckers had been chewing on ketchup packets in there! That was bad. No more junk drawers in this house. I try to go through them at least once a month now and purge any excess!  


            My advice for you today. If you have an area that you feel overwhelmed with. Start small. Set small goals that you can easily and quickly accomplish and see success right away. If you have say, a garage that you think there is no way you can ever get it done. Make a goal to throw away 5 things today or get rid of 5 things from wherever, maybe it’s the entire house, get rid of one thing from each room!  5 that is all. If your up for a bigger challenge, get a big trash bag and fill it with trash, not the stuff you can’t decide to keep or not, not even “things” but actual trash, I guarantee you can fill it up. If it’s broke either fix it on the spot or throw it out. You will find out real quick how much you want to keep it, if you have to stop and fix it right then. If you really don’t, then you might as well throw it out because you more than likely never will.  If you have a junk drawer, pull everything out and if it belongs somewhere else, go take it there right then, if it’s trash throw it out for love of Saint Pete! Throw. It. Out. If you have forgotten about it ever existing and probably STILL won’t use it…throw it out, if you think you will, put it where you will SEE and REMEMBER it. NOT BACK IN THE DRAWER!!! And if you still don’t use it after a month…GET.RID. OF. IT!!!  If you don’t need/want it but hate to throw it out, donate it to a friend or to Goodwill whoever, just get it out of the house before you change your mind!  Ok, now I have got you ready to start. On your mark, get set, go! You can do it, no problem, easy peasy!

Tomorrow, I will post about letting go…. It’s a process….

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